Jul 7, 2008

User Forum of the Open University of Japan

* User Forum of the Open University of Japan

Structure of Forum
--OUJ test
--Science in Everyday Live生活と福祉専攻
--Industrial and Social Studies産業と技術専攻
--Humanities and Natural Sciences人文学と自然科学専攻
--OUJGS test
--Interdisciplinary Cultural Sciences Program総合文化プログラム
--Public Policy and Management Program政策経営プログラム
--Educational Development Prgram教育開発プログラム
--Clinical Psychology Program臨床心理プログラム

Jul 1, 2008

The User's Groups Link of Open University in the World

2. Lobbying & Trans Research Coordination for Moving Around
- How to move around with CEDEFOP/Traning village

2.0 OUJ
[FB] The Open Univeristy of Japan http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=18211108051
[Sonico] The Open Univeristy of Japan http://www.sonico.com/oujapon
[vKontakte] The Open Univeristy of Japan - Открытый Университет Япония http://vkontakte.ru/club3644446
[Orkut] The Open University of Japan http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=49318944
[studiVZ/meinVZ] The Open Univeristy of Japan http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/433bbca93ac5c821
[Mixi] Open University for Foreigner Residents in Japan - 外国人のための放送大学 http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=3453541

2.1 OU UK
[ FB]http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=3195820270
[Mixi] イギリス放送大学Open University http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=2986825

2.2 CNED
[FB] Pour tous les plus grands bradeurs du CNED http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8254162132
[FB] les cnédiens (CNED) http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6978282711
[FB] CNED http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=25880450592
[Sonico] CNED http://www.sonico.com/CNED
[vKontakte] CNED France - Открытый Университет Фпанция, Дистанционное обучение через Интернет http://vkontakte.ru/club3728769
[Orkut] CNED - International http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=51020738
[studiVZ/meinVZ] CNED France http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/a67be2e5b9b93d01
[Mixi] フランス放送大学CNED http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=2719098

2.3 FernUni Hagen
[FB] Fernuni Hagen http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=2248331950
[Sonico] FernUni Hagen http://www.sonico.com/FernUniHagen
[vKontakte] FernUni Hagen - Открытый Университет Германия, Дистанционное обучение через Интернет http://vkontakte.ru/club3728680
[Orkut] FernUni Hagen - Fernstudium, E-Learning, Open Universität http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=49389144
[studiVZ/meinVZ] Fernuni Hagen - Bachelor Psychologie WS 08/09 http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/1f4e32ef39084c55
[studiVZ/meinVZ] Fernuni Hagen - StZ Frankfurt am Main http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/98aec18af41c8b9c
[studiVZ/meinVZ] FernUni Hagen - STZ Leipzig http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/933afc95359bc61c
[studiVZ/meinVZ] Fernuni Hagen - Wirtschaftsmathematik Kurs 00053 SS 2008 http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/da4d9fe697455687
[studiVZ/meinVZ] FernUni Hagen - Neueinsteiger 2008 http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/431f9f6b660955b5
[studiVZ/meinVZ] FernUni Hagen - Sz Studienzentrum Herford http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/4f16e50ad685a9c3
[Mixi] ドイツ放送大学FernUni Hagen http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=2719084

2.4 UniNettUno
[FB] UNINETTUNO http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5915233903
[FB] UNINETTUNO UNIVERSITY http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=6833531458
[Sonico] UniNettUno http://www.sonico.com/UniNettUno
[vKontakte] UniNettUno - Открытый Университет Италия, Дистанционное обучение через Интернет http://vkontakte.ru/club3728637
[Orkut] UniNettUno - Universita e Formazione alla Distanza http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=49387732
[studiVZ/meinVZ] UniNettUno http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/2d9ed852364dd359
[Mixi] イタリアの放送大学UniNettUno http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=2583575

2.5 UNED
[FB] Alumnos de la UNED http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=5226094268
[FB] UNED http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=7464996114
[Sonico] UNED - Universidad - Españahttp://www.sonico.com/uned
[vKontakte] UNED España - Открытый Университет Испании, Дистанционное обучение через Интернет http://vkontakte.ru/club3728698
[Orkut] UNED - Universidad - España http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=22434824
[studiVZ/meinVZ] UNED España http://www.meinvz.net/Groups/Overview/fc83663d1d6cfe50
[Mixi] スペインの放送大学UNED http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=2684547

2.6 МИМ—ОУ [Sonico] OU-Link MSOUhttp://www.sonico.com/oulink
[vKontakte] OpenLearning - Дистанционное обучение через Интернет http://vkontakte.ru/club1392910
[Orkut] ОУ-МИМ http://www.orkut.com/Community.aspx?cmm=49382124
[Mixi] ロシア放送大学МИМ—ОУ http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=2583639

Jun 27, 2008

Open University for Foreigner Residents in Japan 外国人のための放送大学


Open University for Foreigner Residents in Japan 外国人のための放送大学 http://mixi.jp/view_community.pl?id=3453541

This is a group for Users' Community for those
* who are foreigner residents (non japanese) and usually watching TV programme of Open University of Japan
* who watches TV programme of Open University Japan but do not know exactly what is going on there.
* who have not enough time to commute to the study at University but hoping to share the enjoy of studying with japanese colleagues and others.
* who like to spend the time to study with other mates of local research centre of Open University.
* who like to make friends with other students of Open University sharing the hobby and/or leisures at the clubs.
* who are such the study mind with their free time in life.

* 外国人だけど日本のテレビで放送大学をみている。
* テレビで放送大学の番組をみているけどなんのことだかさっぱりわからない。
* 通う時間はないけどなんとなく日本の大学で日本のみんなと学習したい。
* 地域の学習センターでみんなと過ごす時間がすごくたのしい。
* できれば、趣味やスポーツのクラブでも一緒にみんなと学習したい放送大学
* そんな勉強好きな人の味方、放送大学。

* The Open University of Japan

The club in MIXI


Jan 20, 2008

Mobility Research related to Open Learning

A group for Moving Around Research Inc. - Using CEDEFOP/Training Village.

Our mission is to propagate the concept of Moving Around Research Inc. to the world wide ranged human activity and to bring the creative mobility to the people for the Sustainable Earth of the 21th Century. Please join us and enjoy the group.Web 2.0 and community based research for vocational training by CEDEFOP

Mobility program of LEONARDO for life long education

The archives of parts of discussion retrieved to the site below

Well, the naming of 2. is not just fitted, maybe while some consideration after, it would be changed, but the concept remains the same.This entrance is still under development, where many different approaches in different languages are needed. So, I set the lifting procedures which can be developped by using the distance learning methode.
See below ;


A discussion topic on the role of Open Learning for Sceince & Society for sustainable world.

You can relate the concept of "Science & Society" with Sustainable Development starting from Wikiversity & (v.s.) Open Learning.

* STS on Wiki
* Wikiversity

* Open Learning1. Open University in UK
2. CNED in France
3. FernUni Hagen in Germany
4. UniNettUno in Italie
5. UNED in Spain
6. МИМ—ОУ in Russia
7. Open University in Japan

And, you set the diffrent research questions for Trans-cultural Interdisciplines with different Open Learning System.
For example ;

1. Life Long Learning of World Heritage with ICT for under-developping countries at Open University UK
2. Biodiversity and Millenium Water Assessment for reducing the CO2 from Human Activity at CNED
3. Monetary Enginnering for Labor Mobility Management or Equal Chance in Social Class at FernUni Hagen
4. Art-Design-Technic and Social Entrepreneurship for cultural conservation at UniNettUno
5. Sustainable Tourismology with Millenium Eco Assessment at UNED
6. New emerring Organizational Behavior for Business strategy at МИМ—ОУ

[thesis] : prove and defend it if possible, explain if not possible

How can these be interdisciplinary approaches so that they make a synergy between each others, the different disciplines, the different languages with their learning systems ? What can you set for the methodology ? Does this need the mobility and/or career assessment program for the knowledge of life long learning ? Does Wikiversity help it for anything ? How do you find them sustainable compared to the existing ways ?